Chennaiyin FC Vs ATK  Mohun Bagan FC:

      The match held between Chennaiyin FC Vs ATK Mohun Bagan FC, ended draw in the goal ratio of 0-0. In this match Chennaiyin FC gave an solid defencive performance, as comparing to the previous matches, in this match Chennaiyin FC played well . The two major problems for Chennaiyin FC were Set piece defendingContinue reading “Chennaiyin FC Vs ATK  Mohun Bagan FC:”

Apple’s passenger car and breakthrough battery tech

                              Apple may start building and selling a car within the next four years. According to Reuters , the vehicle from may(or may not) use self-driving technology by Apple, and the vehicle may(or may not) use a “breakthrough” battery design that would be cheaper than other battery designs and provide longer range than current technology.Continue reading “Apple’s passenger car and breakthrough battery tech”

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